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What to expect on a Private Jet Air Tour

When planning a trip across Outback Queensland and the Tropics, your first thought probably isn’t to charter a private plane – however as APT Communications Executive Grace Cullinan discovered in this article - Private Jets are not just for the rich and famous.

When planning a trip across Outback Queensland and the Tropics, your first thought probably isn’t to charter a private plane – however as APT Communications Executive Grace Cullinan discovered - Private Jets are not just for the rich and famous.

APT Staff in Winton, Queensland

Working in travel, I have been fortunate to have visited many incredible locations and sampled a variety of travel styles – but nothing can compare to the convenience of boarding a private plane to reach remote and exotic destinations in the blink of an eye…with a glass of bubbly in hand. For those looking to see as much of our vast country as possible – a private jet air tour offers the freedom to travel, without the hassle.


Upon arrival at the airport terminal at Brisbane International, we received a warm welcome from our APT Tour Director, Rod, who would prove to be the lynch pin of the whole tour – ensuring every step of the journey was stress free for myself and my fellow guests. Unlike commercial airlines, Private Jet Air Tour guests enjoy a private waiting area prior to boarding, and our tickets were handed to us just moments before boarding, so there was no nervous triple checking of pockets on the build-up to the flight for us. Another very enjoyable feature; there were no repetitive security checks and repeat weighing – your luggage is weighed once at the start, and you are done for the tour!

Onboard we were greeted by our crew for the tour – two pilots and two hosts. Our section of the plane was looked after by Julia, who with twenty years first-class cabin crew experience, really knew how to make every guest feel special.

Queensland Private Jet Air Tour pilots smiling to camera

In flight

The most noticeable, or perhaps I should say, least noticeable thing about our flight, was how quiet and smooth take-off and landing were. By the third day on tour, we were often so engrossed in conversation we didn’t even notice we had taken off. However, one could never get bored of the incredible aerial views across Queensland. From the awe-inspiring dusty expanse approaching Mount Isa, to the vibrant blue of the waters surrounding the Great Barrier Reef, my camera roll was overflowing with shots out of the plane window.

After a busy day of excursions, the plane became a kind of sanctuary, a place to sit for an hour while you enjoyed a light meal and a beverage before landing in another beautiful location less than an hour later.
Flying over Torres Islands - Queensland

Remote Places and Exotic Locations

I, like many guests on tour, had long harboured aspirations of one day visiting the ultimate Outback towns of Longreach and Winton, however the 10-hour drive from Cairns has always been a significant barrier. Enter – our chartered plane. Less than four hours after departing from Brisbane we found ourselves enjoying a sunset dinner at an authentic Outback homestead, being regaled with tales of the town by local legend Smithy. Truly the perfect way to start any tour.

Entrance at Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame and Outback Heritage Centre in Longreach

Visiting Thursday Island further emphasised the benefits of travelling by jet, while most tourists must navigate several flights and ferries to reach the Torres Islands, we simply landed in the middle of the tropical paradise that is Horn Island, before catching the charming local wooden ferry across the bay.

Torres Strait Horn Island in Queensland


Our Tour Director let us know five-star accommodation was not always available at such remote locations, which was understandable once we had experienced the journey for ourselves, without the benefit of a chartered plane, places like Thursday Island would be a day-long journey for most and understandably APT travellers are often the only tourists on the island. However, our hosts were always incredibly accommodating and took great pride in showcasing their towns to us, from recounting their own family history, to sharing the best place to see the morning sunrise.

Aerial view over turquise waters of Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Exclusive Experiences

Throughout the tour it was evident just how established the relationship is between APT and the communities we visit, from Hamilton Island to Winton, our Tour Director Rod was consistently approached with a smile and a warm greeting from local tour guides to coach drivers. Because of this, we as guests were always made to feel VIP, at Cape York we enjoyed a private stretch of beach to enjoy a beautiful buffet lunch, and when in Longreach, Outback Dan welcomed us into his family home for scones hand-made by his Mother.

winton aerial landscape hut rocky mesa sunset


By the time we returned to Brisbane Airport at the end of the tour we were very reluctant to say goodbye. There was a great mix of couples, solo-travellers and friends travelling together, and we had spent many evenings rotating around the dinner table exchanging travel stories. Ian, a retiree who was travelling for the first time with APT, commented on how he had never felt so included on tour and it was wonderful to end such an exciting trip with both new memories and friends. 
APT staff on beach Cape York Queensland
View across the water at twilight, Port Douglas, QLD