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Arctic Odyssey  

Exploring new frontiers with Seabourn.

Seabourn Venture has arrived! 

Picture rising from a five-star sleep aboard one of the world’s most luxurious expedition cruises. You’ll step out onto your balcony to find yourself in the midst of a pristine wilderness. Breathe in air so pure and crisp that you’ll want to bottle it up and carry it with you. Take in the otherworldly contrast of stark white icebergs and the deep blue waters of the Arctic whilst you enjoy a trip of luxury and adventure aboard the Seabourn Venture. APT’s exciting new partnership with Seabourn opens a world of traversing the seas to remote and diverse environments in style. The Seabourn Venture, launched in 2022, is a vessel for the ultra-luxurious expedition traveller with its interior resembling a five-star hotel. An exhilarating addition to the experience includes two specially crafted submarines on board, offering an unforgettable chance to delve into the cobalt world beneath the ocean's surface. 

With the privilege of being one of the first APT passengers to embark on a voyage through the Arctic, you’ll find unparalleled service and transcendental sights from beginning to end on your cruise commencing in Iceland.
Zodiac next to the Seabourn Venture
Greenland Highlights 

After a brief encounter with Iceland’s highlights, venture to Greenland to one of the most remote settlements in the world, Ittoqqortoormiit. Find a pristine, untouched gem, home to a breathtaking gallery of crystalline icebergs and unique wildlife. 

Your next experience is nestled amid the expansive icy terrains of Greenland. Step into an ethereal world of stunning vistas of luminescent icebergs, imposing mountains, and frozen lakes within beautiful fiords that will make you feel like you’re in a dreamscape. Bear witness to the Northeast Greenland National Park, which serves as a tribute to the unspoiled natural splendour and pristine wilderness of our world.  

Nature lovers will find nirvana in this extraordinary national park and its unique ecosystems. Keep an eye out for the quick-footed Arctic fox, a difficult creature to spot due to its white coat acting as a camouflage among the snow. You might even mistake yourself for being in the North Pole if you catch a glimpse of the majestic reindeer. 


Sunny day in Greenland
Breathtaking Arctic 

Iceland will capture your heart as you cruise through the breathtaking Arctic. 

Arrive with the sun and explore Námaskarð's lava fields and boiling mud pools, as well as the steam vents of Lake Mývatn’s craters. Rounding off the day, you’ll visit the ‘Waterfall of the Gods’, Goðafoss, one of Iceland’s most spectacular sights. 
Coastline of Seyoisfjorour, Iceland
Wildlife at its Finest 

Fantastical splendours await you with an APT Signature Experience in Húsavík, the whale capital of Iceland. Traverse Skjálfandi Bay aboard a local oak fishing boat, 

soak in the fresh ocean ambience and take your seat for a visual symphony of playful whales making a splash. The bay is home to many different species of whales, including the humpback, minke, blue and fin, and even dolphins and harbour porpoises. Be prepared for any twist that nature has in store. So why not say yes to a trip of luxury and adventure? 


Explore new frontiers with APT onboard the Seabourn Venture, plan your next Arctic trip now!

Words by Taylor Donlon